ELA Blockchain Services a.s.
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Confederation of Industry of the CR

Registration of Affidavits

The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic registers affidavits in the blockchain, replacing original paper forms.

Svaz průmyslu - registrace čestných prohlášení

The process works when a visitor to the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic fills out the relevant data on a tablet and saves the entry, including their signature, on the blockchain. As the entry cannot be altered or destroyed, by saving the document the user automatically receives unquestionable proof of non-forgery.

According to Ondrej Ferdus from the Digital Economy and Technology Unit, the main benefits of this application include:

  • the simple administration of forms,
  • the continued digitisation of internal processes,
  • financial and time savings,
  • making use of modern technologies as well as the practical application of the ELA Blockchain, with which the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic has been affiliated for two years.

If you are interested in trying out blockchain, write or call us for more information.

Elektrotechnická associaceWe are a subsidiary company of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic. www.electroindustry.cz
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