ELA Blockchain Services a.s.
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Integrators of blockchain services

The integrator covers the entire process of installing a new service into the business processes and the IT system of the user. The integrator is a bridge between the user, “ELA Blockchain Services” and the developer of the chaincode and applications. The integrator can discuss the business plan with the user, help to develop a work-flow and support the integration to business processes and the IT infrastructure. Then, the integrator delivers a software gateway between the blockchain application and the IT system.

FCC průmyslové systémy s.r.o.
Jaroslav Hataš
E: hatas@fccps.cz
M: +420 731 124 400

Elektrotechnická associaceWe are a subsidiary company of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic. www.electroindustry.cz
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