ELA Blockchain Services a.s.
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At the International Engineering Fair in Brno, the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic and the subsidiary “ELA Blockchain Services” organized the first annual conference on the industrial blockchain, which successfully…
Chairman of the Board of Directors of “ELA Blockchain Services” Otto Havle introduced the ElA Blockchain platform and the BlockChainNotarius® application at the National Industry 4.0 Center.
At the Smart Business Festival, the ElA Blockchain platform and the Blockchain Notarius® application were introduced.
“ELA Blockchain Services” installed and run the first node in Slovakia! Hopefully, this is the first step towards building the national Slovak ElA blockchain network.
This year, the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic and the subsidiary “ELA Blockchain Services” organize an annual conference focused on the blockchain at the International Engineering Fair.
The first annual conference on the industrial blockchain successfully operating in the Czech Republic (and not only there). All persons interested were invited to come and learn what does the Blockchain is, what way can be used and what…
The ElA blockchain was presented at the Smart Business Festival. The event was organized by the CzechInno association at the Olympik Artemis Hotel on June 19, 2019.
In order to provide basic information about the ElA blockchain to foreign partners, the basic issue of the booklet “ElA blockchain for your business” has been prepared also in English. Your comments can help us to optimize the content for…
The website https://coinswitch.co/news/20-blockchain-applications-across-industries-2019 brings real blockchain applications in a variety of industries and services as an inspiration.
A memorandum on the use of the blockchain was signed between Chinese and Australian partners: the blockchain guarantees a reliable supply of Australian beef to China. The blockchain platform was developed by the company “LinkeyChain Intelligent…
Elektrotechnická associaceWe are a subsidiary company of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic. www.electroindustry.cz
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