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ELA Blockchain Verifies Statement of Non-Infectiousness

With the return to normal operations, companies will address how to ensure a safe work environment for their employees. One employable tool can involve declarations confirming that employees are not sick and have not come into contact with the sick. An application connected to the industrial blockchain of the Electrical Engineering Association can help the company verify the authenticity of these declarations.


The employee comes to work in the morning and takes a few seconds at the reception to fill out a simple form on the computer, in which he states that he is not ill and has not met anyone suffering from COVID-19. He writes his name and enters a personal PIN number assigned to him by his employer. After clicking, the declaration is saved in the blockchain database.


However, the record does not contain the name of the employee or that of the company. There is only a 64-digit code, the hash, made at the time and date of the declaration. It encodes both the employee's name and the company name.


An authorized employee in the company can verify in the blockchain that the employee has filled in the declaration. It generates a hash from the name, personal PIN number, and company name, according to which it finds all the employee's declarations in the blockchain.


It is essential that no sensitive data is stored in the blockchain, according to which anyone could identify an employee or company without proper authorization. For more information, contact Otto Havle, Chairman of the Board of ELA Blockchain Services (havle@elachain.cz).

Elektrotechnická associaceWe are a subsidiary company of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic. www.electroindustry.cz
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